What is the meaning of Hard contact lenses???
Hard contact lenses are made of a kind of transparent plastic coating These lenses are best for good visual power. The size of these lenses has to be very precise and accurate The cornea of our eyes is healthy with oxygen from the air, but neither air nor oxygen can circulate through this lens For which hard contact lenses cannot be used for long periods of time. Therefore, this lens should be removed, cleaned and reused every 3-4 hours These lenses are generally cheaper than other lenses, durable and clean.
Types of lenses depending on size, type and price...
1. hard contact lenses: Made with a transparent plastic cover, oxygen cannot pass through this lense. So these lenses are always risky to stay after.
2. Semi soft lens or RGP lenses: These lenses are capable of transporting oxygen. So that the cornea does not have difficulty getting oxygen.
3. Soft lenses: Soft lenses are basically plastic ones that are extremely soft and contain the highest amount of water vapor.
This lens is quite comfortable to use, soft lenses are larger than other lenses and have the advantage of being open, these lenses are more expensive and less durable.
Hard contact lenses are an alternative to glasses….
Glasses usually conceal the beauty of the eyes. The lenses from the glasses are affordable and comfortable.
There is no substitute for a lens to solve this problem, as the mother often pulls her glasses off when she is carrying a growing baby on her lap.
There is no substitute for lenses to enhance the beauty of the eyes. Lenses of different colors are now available, which are being used as a fashion for girls nowadays.
Lens waste solution to solve the problem of chalk blindness.
Lenses are more convenient as an alternative to spectacles if there is a difference in eye power.
In the case of cataract surgery, a special lens is automatically set in the patient's eye.
Things to keep in mind before and after using a lens….
It is better to refrain from using lenses if you have any eye problems or allergies.
For those who are indifferent to eye care, it is better not to use lenses, as it is important to keep in mind the importance of cleaning before and after the use of lenses.
Using lenses is risky for insulin dependent diabetes patients.
It is risky to use lenses for those who have dry eye syndrome.
You have to take off the lens before applying makeup and keep the lens open before swimming and before taking a bath go watering the eyes.
It is not advisable to clean the lens with saliva, as the bacteria in the saliva or saliva of the mouth only helps in digestion and is harmful to the eyes.
Uses and limitations of hard contact lenses….
Hands should be washed and disinfected before and after using the lens.
It is not advisable to wear lenses for more than 8-10 hours in a row. Under no circumstances can you fall asleep with the lens on.
Right eye lens in left eye, left eye lens in right eye can cause blurred vision. Therefore, lenses should be worn with caution
You can't rub your hands or eyes while reading the lens. The lens needs to be cleaned after each use.
If you blink your eyes after reading the lens, if you have red eyes or if you face any problem, you should refrain from wearing the lens, And go to the doctor as soon as possible.
Any lens should not be used for more than 6 months.
Under no circumstances should lenses be used without a doctor's advice.
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